Online technology has advanced so fast and is still improving to the point that the newswire services have become so crowded, so many agencies are offering almost the same services. The newswire service that can provide a combination of older and newer technologies would probably have an advantage over other high-technology but new PR distribution service providers.
Reuters is one of the original and most significant news generation and distribution private companies that started in the 19th century. Reuters shifted to become a newswire agency in 1883 when it began transmitting news to London newspapers by telegraph. In 1923, Reuters moved to radio transmission of news messages which at the time was an innovation.
In 2002, there were only three major companies that generated news from around the world, namely: Associated Press, Reuters, and Agence France-Presse. Dow Jones, while it was founded in 1882 was focused on financial journalism within the American market. It was only much later when Dow Jones involved itself in global news.

Electronic and computer technology advanced to the point that message transfer modes and protocols became more efficient and highly effective. Such techniques include electronic message transfer, electronic data interchange, electronic file transfer through protocols, remote electronic information access and retrieval, digital convergence and connectivity, ISDN, and now we have the virtual globe university.
Press releases can now be sent or accessed without eliminating access for distant users. This technology called “remote access technology” and requires information specialist user training in high-quality telecommunication infrastructure. PR sending is done via modem, telephone lines or data networks.
Virtual Globe University refers to distance learning or video networks that have evolved into virtual classrooms, designed to maximize the knowledge of a specific product or service that may be transmitted through the virtual classroom.
In much the same way, the Associated Press’ ENPS system can create content for a company’s broadcast or digital platforms. Such use of the AP system is for large and long-term projects where press releases are combined efficiently with multimedia advertising and public relations over a specified sustained period. Press release writing is created on these processes. You can check out information about this here: newswire.com/features/writing
With its multiformat content, Associated Press can engage its audience through video, photo, text, audio, data and even through the lens of virtual reality. It can provide a company with an independent system of planning and media tools, custom content creation and distribution, and news production services not done before.
Similarly, Agence France-Presse is revered by many journalists worldwide for its fast, accurate and in-depth news coverage of events spanning across industries and countries. AFP introduced an innovation as the first news agency to provide High Definition images. The agency also set the standard for text-based news reporting on a 24/7 basis, in addition to web and mobile news in text, photo, graphics and video formats. AFP has also introduced the Interactive Graphics as a way for viewers to engage news visualizations on various devices including mobile phones.
While Dow Jones was involved in the upscaling of the financial trading market in the US, it was a media company. While Dow Jones is different from modern online media platforms that act as service providers for businesses and companies in the production and distribution of press releases, Dow Jones produces its press releases and send these to subscribers worldwide.